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Frozen Strawberry Cobbler & Why My Parents Need a New KitchenAid Mixer Now

frozen strawberry cobbler
A creamy, cold, and refreshing Fourth of July dessert. Rock hard from the freezer, it lasts just long enough on the table to serve and eat outside in the heat.

My Mom’s ancient stand mixer finally bit the dust. It’s been around for a whopping 52 years. In its last decade, this beast of a mixer was really only used to make Strawberry Squares each year on my birthday. Every year, my dad would heave it off the top shelf for my mother just for this occasion. (So sweet and thoughtful, right?) But this year, he thought he’d give it a little TLC with some lubricant before its big performance.

And well... depending on who you ask, that either saved the mixer or doomed us to eating potentially toxic strawberry squares laced with spray lube. Dad's convinced it’s fine; Mom’s not about to risk it with the grandkids.

Mom’s Epic Frozen Strawberry Cobbler Recipe

This isn't just any dessert; it's a creamy, dreamy, frozen piece of heaven that barely survives the trip from freezer to table. Perfect for those blazing Fourth of July parties. But you need a stand mixer--there's over 20 minutes of beating and mixing happening in this recipe.

I'm not typing it out for you. You'll have to bask in my mom's perfect penmanship like I do each time I make this.

the handwritten recipe card for strawberry squares
Behold this recipe lovingly adapted from what I think was a 1987 Better Homes and Gardens recipe. If you can't read cursive, go find someone born before 1985 to help you. It'll make them feel good to be needed.

The Mix:

  • I make double the crust listed. Bringing this to a whopping 2 sticks of butter, and a much more satisfying crunch.

  • For the filling, swapping in 2 tablespoons of lemon zest and 2 tablespoons of Grand Marnier instead of lemon juice is a game-changer.

  • The egg white and Strawberry mixture will take closer to 15 minutes to come to stiff peaks. If you don't have a splash guard, cover your mixer with an old kitchen towel to help reduce splattering. Unless you have a very large mixer, it is very splattery and sticky. My Mom confided that she used to have to put her mixer in the sink to contain the mess.

Upgrade The KitchenAid Mixer

So... they might have lost a mixer in the great "will it or won't it poison us" lubricant debate of 2024, but let's stop to appreciate the power of a good upgrade. The new KitchenAid Mixer will also have a meat grinder attachment, which is bringing the newly retired paternal unit visions of making homemade sausages already.

If your kitchen tools are more “ancient artifact” than “appliance,” maybe it’s time for a change.

Ready to up your kitchen game? Grab yourself a KitchenAid mixer and make Frozen Strawberry Cobbler (or whatever your heart desires) the best you’ve ever had. Check out the KitchenAid mixer here (don't forget the meat grinder attachment sold separately!) and start your own family traditions, minus the lubricant drama.

Pssst -- using my links before making your purchase is a great way to thank me with a small commission at no cost to you; as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

kitchenaid mixer in pistachio
KitchenAid Artisan Series 5 Quart Tilt Head Stand Mixer with Pouring Shield (In Pistachio)

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